Who’s Who
Priest in Charge

Revd Prebendary Dawn Hyett,
Priest in Charge of The Parish of Greater Whitbourne.
Tel: 01885 483 747 Email: hyettdawn@gmail.com
Priests with Permission to Officiate
Also with Permission to Officiate

Revd Andrew Bullock

Revd Jan Web

Mrs Alexandra Bullock

Mr Chris Evans
Edvin Loach
Mrs Elisabeth (Lis) Morris. Tel: 01885 483727
Mr Jeff Salt. Tel: 01885 489318
Tedstone Delamere
Mrs Kathleen Harris. Tel: 01885 483681
Mr William North. Tel: 01886 853321
Upper Sapey
Mr Mark Maddock. Tel: 01886 853317
Mr David Roberts. Tel: 01886 853665
Mrs Anne Evans eafevans@gmail.com
Parish Administrator
Steve Curtis. Tel: 01885 490229
email: greaterwhitbourneoffice@gmail.com
Office hours
9am -12 midday Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays